
106-2期末教學評量(106-2 Online Teaching Evaluation) 107/05/14~107/06/04,歡迎學生踴躍上網評量

106-2 期末教學評量

(106-2 Online Teaching Evaluation)

Date107/05/14(Mon~ 107/06/04Mon


The purpose of this course evaluation form is to help the instructor and students to improve the course quality. 


Visit the home page of Shih Chien University, enter the student ID number and password to login teaching evaluation system.

Homepage →Student Information → Teaching Evaluation System


According to the course selection regulation, students are allowed to add/drop courses online the next semester when they finish all course evaluation forms during the semester.


Please finish the questionnaire in this period of time, and students could use the spare computer classroom.


All students will remain anonymous in the survey. Please feel free to express your opinions.


Do not hesitate to give encouragement to the instructor after satisfying with his/ her teaching. 


Please fill in this questionnaire with objective suggestion and keeps network etiquette in mind.

(8) 畢業班同學完成全部課程填答,可獲得歷年中文成績單一份。

Graduating seniors should complete a course evaluation form in able to be eligible for a free Chinese transcript.

教務處教學發展一中心 敬啟

Center for Teaching and Learning Development


