113-1學習反應與評量 (2024 Student Feedback) 開始了! 2024/12/09(一)~2024/12/27(五)

113-1學習反應與評量 (2024 Student Feedback) 開始了! 

學習反應與評量(Student feedback)_學生端操作步驟:https://ppt.cc/fFok7x
學習反應與評量_學生端英文版Teaching Evaluation For Current Students:https://reurl.cc/0v9qWM
The purpose of this course evaluation is to provide teachers with reference to teaching improvement.

校務系統 → 教務資訊模組(Academic Affairs Module) → 教務資訊系統(Academic Affairs System) → 學習反應填寫系統(Student feedback system) → GB0101-學習反應與評量(Student feedback)。

Visit the homepage of Shih Chien University, enter the student ID number and password to login the Administration System.  ( Homepage → Information Services
 → Log in to the Administration System → 教務資訊系統(Academic Affairs System)   → 教務資訊系統(Academic Affairs System) → 學習反應填寫系統(Student feedback system) → GB0101-學習反應與(Student feedback).
According to the course selection regulation, students are allowed to add/drop courses online the next semester when they finish all course evaluation forms during the semester.

Please finish the questionnaire in this period of time, and students could use the spare computer classroom.
All students will remain anonymous in the survey. Please feel free to express your opinions.
Please do give the teacher more encouragement if the teacher has done great practice in teaching.
Please pay attention to Internet etiquette. Give constructive suggestions and avoid personal or subjective arguments.
教務處教學發展一中心 敬啟 2024.12.09
Center for Teaching and Learning Development